Contribute to our Book

We need your help to tell our story!


To celebrate the centenary of Holy Trinity’s opening in 2022, we aim to produce a 100 page attractive magazine-style coffee table book called…

Living Stones

Celebrating the Centenary of Holy Trinity Jesmond

1922 - 2022

 …with lots of stories and contributions provided by everyone involved in the life of Holy Trinity, whether young or old, new to the church or long-standing members, regular Sunday attenders or committed to Vintage, Messy Church, Trinity Tots or another part of the church family.

Our plan is that the book will have 5 chapters, reflecting 5 significant characteristics or aspects of our church. Click the links below to download Documents detailing each chapter:

  1. Belonging

  2. Worship

  3. Identity

  4. Transformation

  5. Reaching out


Each chapter will contain a collection of 5-6 each of the following, some written, some drawn, selected to fit the chapter topic.  We suggest that any written contributions are kept short and are no more than 200 words long.


  • Dictionary definitions of the chapter headings (provided by us ie by the Centenary Book Sub-Committee) and our responses to them (provided by you)

  • Questions to consider (provided by us) and your responses to them

  • Testimonies of our encounters with Jesus

  • Favourite hymns, songs, Bible verses or quotes from Christian writers with a paragraph to say how God has spoken to us through them

  • Bible verses paraphrased in contemporary language

  • Haiku or limericks

  • Then and now (we will mostly provide the “then” part)

  • Children’s contributions

  • Contributions from Messy Church, Trinity Tots, Vintage, Walking Group, anyone involved in our church community

Book Submissions

Please email Alison using the button below to send in your submissions, please mention which chapter you’re contributing to in the subject field. The deadline for entries is the 7th of March.

Contributors will be acknowledged by name, possibly a photo and, in some cases, a short bio, preferably written by someone who knows that person well. We are looking forward to putting something together which is a colourful, varied and multi-facetted expression of Christ’s body in this place. Thank you! 

Centenary Book Sub-Committee (Margaret Lawson, Lili Cubillos, Harriet Robinson, Alison Edwards)