Meet Our New Curate

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It was our absolute pleasure on Sunday to welcome Ali McCarthy as our new curate. She joins us at a crossroads as we continue our journey out of lockdown, not just nationally, but also as a community.

Here, we have an opportunity to get to know her a little better.


Where are you from originally?

Ali: I was born in Lancaster but grew up in York. I have since lived in various parts of the country.

Is there a particular Bible verse/passage that inspires you?

Ali: Acts had a large impact on my life as a teenager and particularly the life of Paul which I wanted (and continue to want) to emulate. I felt a deep call to go from place to place like he did and plant churches. Mission in the church I grew up in was something that happened abroad and yet I could see so much need all around me, especially as most of my friends at school didn’t have a faith. A lot of my time since then has been working out what this might mean in varying contexts.

What is your favourite…

Book/TV Show/Film?

Ali: I like crime dramas and books. I like the good guys to win and for that not to be in doubt. I don’t have a favourite film at the moment; however, on my retreat before my ordination, I looked at films that I had connected with as a child. One of these was the animation Mulan. I liked the fact that she defied convention and in the end it was as herself that she defeated the enemy with her friends.


Sport Team?

Ali: I don’t regularly support a sport’s team, but I do support and avidly watch the various England teams, both men and women, when they are in tournaments.

Holiday spot?

Ali: I like exploring new places, so anywhere I haven’t been before!


Ali: I have a sweet tooth, so chocolate and desserts in general.

Activity in lockdown?

Ali: As I have children, life became even more complex with home-schooling to fit in as well, so I wasn’t able to pick up new hobbies. However, I enjoyed being able to spend more time with my family and going on our daily walks. I also spent more time on our food preparation and trying out new recipes.


What have you enjoyed doing as we come out of lockdown?

Ali: I’ve been enjoying the freedom to travel further and explore a wider variety of places. I’m also appreciating going out for meals and meeting friends at coffee shops. It has been great being able to visit family in person as they are scattered around the country.

What can we pray for you and your family?

Ali: Thank Him for all the answers to prayer we’ve seen so far. I would love you to continue to pray for us to settle into the area and put down roots, for friendships to develop and strengthen so that, for the children especially, it feels like home.

Ali is a Pioneer Minister, which means her focus is on finding new ways to grow God’s Kingdom. We are excited to have her with us for the coming years and look forward to welcoming her and her family into our fellowship.


By Rachael Farrimond and Ali McCarthy


The Short Stories of Jesus: Shine


Thank you Adam!